Source code for clubcpg.ParseBam

import pysam
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import re

[docs]class BamFileReadParser: """ Used to simplify the opening and reading from BAM files. BAMs must be coordinate sorted and indexed. :Example: >>> from clubcpg.ParseBam import BamFileReadParser >>> parser = BamFileReadParser("/path/to/data.BAM", quality_score=20, read1_5=3, read1_3=4, read2_5=7, read2_3=1) >>> reads = parser.parse_reads("chr7", 10000, 101000) >>> reads = parser.correct_cpg_positions(reads) # This step is optional, but highly recommended >>> matrix = parser.create_matrix(reads) """
[docs] def __init__(self, bamfile, quality_score, read1_5=None, read1_3=None, read2_5=None, read2_3=None, no_overlap=True): """ Class used to read WGBSeq reads from a BAM file, extract methylation, and convert into data frame :param bamfile: Path to bam file location :param quality_score: Only include reads >= this fastq quality :param read1_5: mbias ignore read1 5' :param read1_3: mbias ignore read1 3' :param read2_5: mbias ignore read2 5' :param read2_3: mbias ignore read2 3' :param no_overlap: bool. If overlap exists between two reads, ignore that region from read 2. """ self.mapping_quality = quality_score self.bamfile = bamfile self.read1_5 = read1_5 self.read1_3 = read1_3 self.read2_5 = read2_5 self.read2_3 = read2_3 self.full_reads = [] self.read_cpgs = [] self.no_overlap = no_overlap if read1_5 or read2_5 or read1_3 or read2_3: self.mbias_filtering = True else: self.mbias_filtering = False self.OpenBamFile = pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile, 'rb') # Check for presence of index file index_present = self.OpenBamFile.check_index() if not index_present: raise FileNotFoundError("BAM file index is not found. Please create it using samtools index")
# From open bam file, get locaiton of first read from the provided chromosome def get_location_of_first_read(self, chromosome): # Get reference lenghts ref_lens = dict(zip(self.OpenBamFile.references, self.OpenBamFile.lengths)) for read in self.OpenBamFile.fetch(chromosome, 0, ref_lens[chromosome]): reads_start_loc = read.reference_start break return reads_start_loc # Get reads from the bam file, extract methylation state
[docs] def parse_reads(self, chromosome: str, start:int , stop: int): """ :param chromosome: chromosome as "chr6" :param start: start coordinate :param stop: end coordinate :return: List of reads and their positional tags as assigned by bismark """ reads = [] for read in self.OpenBamFile.fetch(chromosome, start, stop): if read.mapping_quality >= self.mapping_quality: reads.append(read) ## CIGAR FILTERING BY C. COARFA read_cpgs = [] self.skipped_reads = set() read_index = -1 self.query_count_hash = {} for read in reads: read_index +=1 if not (read.query_name in self.query_count_hash): self.query_count_hash[read.query_name]=0 self.query_count_hash[read.query_name] += 1 # if (self.query_count_hash[read.query_name]>2): #"Found read with more than 2 mappings: %s --> %s\n"%(read.query_name, self.query_count_hash[read.query_name])) # need to check for regular expression though no_indel_mapping = re.match("^\d+M$", read.cigarstring) if (no_indel_mapping): reduced_read = [] # Join EVERY XM tag with its aligned_pair location for pair, tag in zip(read.get_aligned_pairs(), read.get_tag('XM')): if pair[1]: if read.flag == 83 or read.flag == 163 or read.flag == 16: reduced_read.append((pair[1] - 1, tag)) else: reduced_read.append((pair[1], tag)) else: continue # if MBIAS was set, slice the joined list if self.mbias_filtering: if read.is_read1: mbias_5_prime = self.read1_5 # note taking the NEGATIVE of the value for the 3-prime mbias_3_prime = -self.read1_3 if mbias_3_prime == 0: mbias_3_prime = None reduced_read = reduced_read[mbias_5_prime:mbias_3_prime] if read.is_read2: mbias_5_prime = self.read2_5 mbias_3_prime = -self.read2_3 if mbias_3_prime == 0: mbias_3_prime = None reduced_read = reduced_read[mbias_5_prime:mbias_3_prime] read_cpgs.append(reduced_read) else: self.skipped_reads.add(read.query_name) self.full_reads = reads self.read_cpgs = read_cpgs # Correct overlapping paired reads if set, this is default behavior if self.no_overlap: try: read_cpgs = self.fix_read_overlap(reads, read_cpgs) except AttributeError: pass # print("Could not determine read 1 or 2. {}:{}-{}".format(chromosome, start, stop)) # sys.stdout.flush() # Filter the list for positions between start-stop and CpG (Z/z) tags output = [] read_cpg_index = -1 found_cpg_count = 0 for read_cpg in read_cpgs: read_cpg_index +=1 temp = [] for pos, tag in read_cpg: if pos and (pos > start) and (pos <= stop) and ((tag == 'Z') or (tag == 'z')): temp.append((pos, tag)) found_cpg_count += 1 output.append(temp) return output
[docs] def create_matrix(self, read_cpgs): """ Converted parsed reads into a pandas dataframe. :param read_cpgs: read CpGs generated by self.parse_reads :type read_cpgs: iterable :return: matrix methylated (1) and unmethylated (0) states :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ series = [] data_index = -1 for data in read_cpgs: data_index += 1 positions = [] statues = [] num_positions = 0 dup_flag = False positions_set = set() for pos, status in data: num_positions += 1 if pos in positions_set: dup_flag = True positions_set.add(pos) positions.append(pos) statues.append(status) if dup_flag: pass else: if num_positions > 0: series.append(pd.Series(statues, positions)) try: matrix = pd.concat(series, axis=1, ignore_index=True) except BaseException as e: raise ValueError("Empty matrix") matrix = matrix.replace('Z', 1) matrix = matrix.replace('z', 0) return matrix.T
[docs] def fix_read_overlap(self, full_reads, read_cpgs): """Takes pysam reads and read_cpgs generated during parse reads and removes any overlap between read1 and read2. If possible it also stitches read1 and read2 together to create a super read. :param full_reads: set of reads generated by self.parse_reads() :param read_cpgs: todoo :return: A list in the same format as read_cpgs input, but corrected for paired read overlap """ # data for return fixed_read_cpgs = [] # Combine raw reads and extracted tags combined = [] for read, state in zip(full_reads, read_cpgs): combined.append((read, state)) # Get names of all the reads present # query_names = [x.query_name for x in full_reads] query_names = [] for x in full_reads: if (not (x.query_name in self.skipped_reads)) and (self.query_count_hash[x.query_name]<=2): query_names.append(x.query_name) # Match paired reads by query_name tally = defaultdict(list) for i, item in enumerate(query_names): tally[item].append(i) for key, value in sorted(tally.items()): # A pair exists, process it if len(value) == 2: # Set read1 and read2 correctly if combined[value[0]][0].is_read1: read1 = combined[value[0]] read2 = combined[value[1]] elif combined[value[1]][0].is_read1: read1 = combined[value[1]] read2 = combined[value[0]] # both reads have same value, this shouldn't be. Drop one completely, dont # bother with overlap elif combined[value[0]][0].is_read1 == combined[value[1]][0].is_read1: fixed_read_cpgs.append(combined[value[0]][1]) continue else: raise AttributeError("Could not determine read 1 or read 2") # Find amount of overlap amount_overlap = 0 r1_bps = [x[0] for x in read1[1]] r2_bps = [x[0] for x in read2[1]] if min(r1_bps) < min(r2_bps): trim_direction = 5 for bp in r2_bps: if bp and bp in r1_bps: amount_overlap += 1 else: trim_direction = 3 for bp in r1_bps: if bp and bp in r2_bps: amount_overlap += 1 # remove the overlap by trimming or discarding if amount_overlap == len(read2[1]): # discard read 2, only append read 1 fixed_read_cpgs.append(read1[1]) else: # trim overlap if trim_direction == 5: new_read2_cpgs = read2[1][amount_overlap:] elif trim_direction == 3: new_read2_cpgs = read2[1][:-amount_overlap] # stitch together read1 and read2 read1[1].extend(new_read2_cpgs) fixed_read_cpgs.append(read1[1]) elif len(value) == 1: # No pair, add to output fixed_read_cpgs.append(combined[value[0]][1]) return fixed_read_cpgs
[docs] @staticmethod def correct_cpg_positions(output: list): """ For some reason, Bismark alignment produces instances where a CpG site location is incorrect by 1 bp, even after accounting for DNA strand alignmment. This function fixes this. If two cpgs have positions such as 4, 5 (which is impossible because there needs to by a G between them) this function will convert all 5s to 4s. This only needs to be applied to matrices which are empty after dropna() is called. :param output: a list of lists of tuples. The output of self.parse_reads() :return: list of the same style, execpt the first position in the tuple will have a corrected CpG position. """ # find all cpg positions cpg_positions = [] for item in output: if item: for cpg in item: cpg_positions.append(cpg[0]) cpg_positions = sorted(list(set(cpg_positions))) # determine corrections corrections = {} for x in range(len(cpg_positions)): try: if cpg_positions[x + 1] == cpg_positions[x] + 1: corrections[cpg_positions[x + 1]] = cpg_positions[x] except IndexError: # end of cpg position list pass # correct items corrected_output = [] for item in output: corrected_item = [] if item: for cpg in item: if cpg[0] in corrections.keys(): new_cpg = (corrections[cpg[0]], cpg[1]) corrected_item.append(new_cpg) else: corrected_item.append(cpg) corrected_output.append(corrected_item) else: corrected_output.append(item) return corrected_output